Goddess Raw Local Honey (With Wooden Honey Dipper)


What is Local Goddess Honey?

Our newest product Goddess Honey is Pure and Simple honey in a jar. Honey is our main ingredient inside of our Goddess Scrub. Goddess Honey is fresh local honey that may be used in different ways. Some uses for honey are soothing a sore throat or cough, digestive problems, to heal wounds. Honey is also rich in vitamins and nutrients.
Goddess Honey can be used in your beverages and meals. Please be advised that not a lot of Goddess Honey is needed in one use. A Wooden Honey Dipper is included in your order as well. ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿงก

Our shipping methods available are standard, next day delivery and customer pick up. You may choose during checkout.

100% Raw Local Honey.
Raw honey is best stored in a dark area that ranges from 65 to 75 degrees.

If any allergies please send us an email addressing them.
[email protected]